Creationism lives on in US public schools – via – Creationism, or “Intelligent Design” as it has more recently been rebranded, has no business being taught in our school systems alongside evolution. The treatment of creationism as a legitimate scientific theory is an offence to scientific principle. There is empirical data to back up evolutionary theory. The collection and interpretation of that data is how the theory was developed in the first place. There is no such support of “Intelligent Design” anywhere. What people choose to teach their own children at home is their business, even if it’s hocus-pocus nonsense. In a school system where other people’s children are being taught the same things only facts and theories that can be backed up with actual science should be taught.
First All-Digital Science Textbook Will Be Free – via – This is a fantastic idea that will unfortunately be extremely difficult to get off the ground. Producing a book of this kind and keeping it up to date will undoubtedly prove to be extremely expensive, so “free” is unlikely to work. Not to mention the resistance it will encounter from people responsible for choosing textbooks who have been getting kickbacks from publishing companies for years. I hope this takes off, as it would remove a substantial financial burden from college and university students. I spent less on the new laptop I bought a couple months ago than I spent on books in one semester when I was in college, and textbook prices don’t go anywhere but up.
Pilot refuses full-body scan, pat-down – via – All of the privacy issues aside, folks…he’s a pilot. If he wants to take over the plane he’s already in the cockpit BEHIND A LOCKED FUCKING DOOR!
How to opt out of the TSA’s naked body scanners at the airport – via – This one is not so much a “how to” as it is a description of what happens when you decide not to subject yourself to the backscatter or millimetre wave x-ray machines and go for the “enhanced pat-down” the pilot in the previous article refused.
U.A.E. defends no-marks discipline ruling – via – In the United Arab Emirates, they can build the shit out of some skyscrapers, but their human rights policies are fucking stone age. Considering it’s possible to break ribs and cause internal bleeding without ever leaving a visible external mark, the concept of being able to beat your wife or children as long as you don’t leave a mark is absurd.
Allow Students to Carry Guns on College Campuses? – via – “Freedom to be safe and secure is a fundamental human right. If someone threatens to harm or kill you or your loved ones, you have the right to defend yourself. Carrying a firearm aides in facilitating this self defence.” said the guy who lives in Canada, where law abiding citizens can only own handguns for target shooting and it is essentially impossible to get a concealed weapon permit.